
Join Us!

LiveAgeWell Membership Is FREE and open to ALL EBA residents.

Becoming a member of LiveAgeWell involves you in an innovative and important effort at the EBA (Edgewater Beach Apartments). Join us in creating a “Vertical Village”—a growing group of residents who choose to live and stay active and well in our intergenerational community and open to ALL EBA residents. Working on one or more of LiveAgeWell’s committees (this is encouraged but not required) engages you in planning, maintaining, and improving our current pursuits and envisioning and enabling new directions. The advantages of membership include being able to participate in members-only offerings, receive advance notice about programs, share your skills, participate in the adventure of learning new ones, and more. LiveAgeWell membership offers you the opportunity to be part of a meaningful, rewarding initiative, with the added benefit of working with wonderful neighbors, some of whom you have yet to know. And there are no costs involved. For all these reasons, join us by filling out and submitting the Membership Form  that follows. It's as easy as that!