Good Neighbor Initiative

Good neighborliness seems to be a value baked into us at an early age. How many of us watched our parents check in with neighbors or relatives to make sure they were okay and see if they needed help that could readily be provided? 

This spirit is alive and well in our EBA community. We members of LiveAgeWell recognize that some of our residents, especially those living alone, would like to feel more connected. We are eager to reach out to our EBA neighbors, making sure that we are not isolated from one another, especially in times of need. 

To further that goal, LiveAgeWell has organized the Good Neighbor Initiative (GNI), a system in which two EBA residents agree to check in with each other on a regular basis. (NOTE: GNI has been organized to serve EBA residents only.)  You may already have such an arrangement, or you may know who your GNI partner could be. You may wish to have a partner check on you but don’t know whom to approach. Or you may be willing to serve as a Good Neighbor, even though you are not in need of a partner for yourself at this time. LiveAgeWell can help people find partners. 

If you think you might wish to put your name on the list of potential partners and receive a copy of the list, first read the Good Neighbor Initiative Guidelines below. Then, to become an active participant in GNI, fill out the Good Neighbor Initiative Request form (found below and in the Forms section of this website), and submit it using the green SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form. Alternatively, you can print and fill out the form by hand and put it in in-house Mailbox 285. Printing instructions can be found in the Forms section.

The list will be sent out upon request to anyone on the list seeking to have and/or offering to be a GNI partner. This list is confidential, so please do not circulate it to anyone. Peruse the list, which has two parts: the first for those looking for a buddy, and the second for those willing to be a buddy. Once you have found a partner, we strongly recommend that you consult the Good Neighbor Initiative Guidelines below for establishing your GNI relationship.

When you find a partner, or if you no longer wish to participate in GNI, please remove yourself from the latest list by emailing GNI ( or putting a note in in-house Mailbox 285.

If, for any reason, your arrangement doesn't work out and you want to find a new partner, print out a GNI Request Form (under Forms) and put it in in-house Mailbox 285 (or if you can't print out the form, put a note in in-house Mailbox 285, and we will supply you with one).

LiveAgeWell is an independent group of EBA residents that focuses on promoting living long and well in an intergenerational community. We have no legal relationship to or sponsorship by the EBAC, which in no way is responsible or liable for our initiatives.

Good Neighbor Initiative Guidelines